W Towing Burbank

Towing and Roadside Service


1. All drivers are expected to operate within the limits set forth in the federal regulations, and local, municipal and state laws of all jurisdictions operated in This is inclusive of logging regulations, weight limitations, speed limits, and physical requirements. Drivers who violate these laws will be subject to disciplinary action by the company.

2. Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in any vehicle operating on behalf of the company.

3. Firearms are strictly prohibited in all vehicles operating on behalf of the company.

4. Pets/animals of any kind are expressly forbidden from being in any vehicle operating on behalf of the company.

5. Unauthorized passengers are not allowed. When transporting a broken down vehicle, be sure that the number of people that you transport that were in that vehicle does not exceed the number of seat belts available in your vehicle.

6. All customers, employees and members of the general public are to be treated with respect and courtesy.

7. Paperwork is to be turned in at the end of each tow. This includes all receipts and monies collected.

8. If monies are collected from a customer, a valid company receipt must be provided to that customer and the duplicate copy must be turned in to the company.

9. Accidents must be reported to the company as soon after the accident as possible. Failure to report accidents will result in the revocation of the driver’s safety clearance.

10. All drivers are expected to call in upon arrival at the tow location, and call in again once the car is secured and enroute to a destination.

11. C.B.s are a valuable tool for drivers. Please use yours with respect for the motoring public. We do not expect our drivers and representatives to use profanity or vulgarities on the radio.

12. It is expressly forbidden for any employee or agent of the company to come onto company property under the influence of any illegal drug or alcohol.

13. All calls are to be made in a timely fashion. This company does not require or allow any driver to violate state or federal laws in order to get to a tow location in a timely manner.

14. Fuel should be purchased only at authorized fuel stops. If such stops have not been designated, it is the responsibility of the driver to help control fuel costs by buying fuel at the lowest prices available.

15. Your truck is equipped with chains, chock blocks, fire extinguishers, and triangles. You may also be equipped with such items as brooms, shovels, and other items that assist you in the completion of your job. It is your responsibility to verify that these items are on your vehicle and in good condition. Loss of these items may result in your being charged for their replacement.

16. Unless otherwise specified, equipment must be returned to the lot at the end of your shift. No vehicles will be used for personal use.

17. No unauthorized tows (moonlighting) will be tolerated. Any driver caught using the trucks or equipment for unauthorized purposes will be fired.

18. Drivers are expected to keep their vehicles neat and clean. Clean trucks are our best advertising and are also a safety factor. Cabs should not have any junk or garbage in them. Remember, our customers will often be riding with you. Keep your truck in good condition.

19. If uniforms are provided, you are expected to wear them and to keep them clean. We realize that this job often requires you to get dirty. We therefore expect you to keep clean uniforms handy so that you can change into them as necessary.

20. Time off must be approved by your supervisor. Please coordinate in advance if you need to take time off. This allows us to schedule someone else to cover for you.


Although we strive to operate accident free, we know that an accident can occur at any time. If you are involved in an accident, please follow these guidelines.

1. Secure the scene. This may consist of putting out triangles, activating the 4ways on all vehicles, setting out flares, (If there is no spill or volatile chemicals such as gas, diesel fuel, etc) and using other persons for traffic control. In the case of minor accidents it may be advisable to move the damaged vehicles from the roadway. However, if doing so, please photograph or otherwise verify the location of both vehicles prior to moving them.

2. Render first aid and/or comfort to injured parties, if necessary. If you do not feel capable of performing this function, try to find someone who can assist.

3. Notify the police as quickly as possible

4. Notify the company as quickly as possible

5. Get out your accident kit and begin obtaining all information that is asked for on the accident report.

6. If the other party is willing to accept the blame, ask them to fill out the driver exoneration form.

7. Obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses. If people refuse to provide the above information, record their license plate number and provide that information to the insurance company representative.

8. Make no statements to anyone other than the police, and then only respond to questions that they ask.

9. If you have a camera, take photographs of all aspects of the accident scene.

a. Photograph all four sides of all vehicles involved.

b. Photograph skid marks, gouge marks, and debris that is in the road as a result of the accident. In these photographs, try to get some landmarks in the background to help identify the location of the items.

c. Photograph any temporary situations such as illegally parked vehicles, obscured signs, etc that were contributory to the accident.

d. Photograph the other parties involved. In particular, if they seem healthy and are leaning over, or otherwise showing back and leg mobility, photograph those actions to verify the limits of their injuries.

e. Photograph the license plates of all vehicles stopped at the accident scene. These might very well be witnesses that could not otherwise be discovered.

10. Comply with the drug and alcohol testing requirements if necessary. Remember, you must drug and alcohol test if it is a fatal accident. If it is a personal injury accident and you got a ticket, you must drug and alcohol test. If it is a property damage accident that results in one or more of the vehicles being towed, you must alcohol test if you receive a citation as a result of the accident.

All accidents will be evaluated by the company for preventability. Any driver who has 2 preventable accidents in a 3 year period will lose their safety clearance.